When the stock market goes down, your account balance in the index annuity will remain SAFE without any loss in value. Your account value during this period will not increase in value but remain the same. Investors in the market start at their reduced account values, waiting for the market to increase to get them back to where their accounts were before the market correction. The annuity owner's account values start increasing immediately because there are NO LOSSES to recover. That is why we say we sell “SLEEP INSURANCE” because no matter how adversely affected the stock market goes down, your money is protected from losses and is 100% SAFE.
We invest your money with insurance companies and you have several choices based on the S&P 500, Dow Jones, Bonds, Fixed Accounts, to name a few. We will make suggestions on different strategies and what per cent to allocate to each, to accomplish your goals and objectives.
Your money is secure at these insurance companies. State laws require insurance companies to establish and maintain reserves equal to the cash surrender value of your annuity contract at all times. In addition, state laws require insurance companies to maintain minimum amounts of capital and surplus for further protection
We, as financial professionals, are not permitted to offer, and no statement contained herein, shall constitute tax, legal or accounting advice. You should consult a legal or tax professional on such related matters.
Arkansas License #7395505 • Texas License #1194145 • Louisiana License #322810 • Mississippi License #10926243